Storyboards Part 1

For the start of our independent study assignment we were to begin with thumbnails and create the line art for a short storyboard! This is new for me, however I liked how with this type of assignment we can use our artworks to tell a story. 
Here I began with my very rough thumbnails to get the ideas down of how I wanted the final story board sequence to look based off the script provided. I started off with making the first scene an establishing scene so the viewers know who and where the scene takes place. The next two scenes are closer, tighter shots so the viewer can see each task at a closer glance and finally, the last scene is a farther back setting so you can see the whole thing come together (the grim relaxing with a magazine, the candles lit, the music going...)
I then worked with the thumbnails I had to make a more detailed version of each scene. I used human references to help with proportions and tried adding some illustrative lines to give the artworks some extra texture and appeal. 


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